Enjoy some winter fun with snowshoeing. Once an essential means of winter travel for the indigenous people, snowshoeing has evolved over the years to become one of Quebec’s most popular cold season pastimes. Wherever you go in the province, you will find marked trails to explore with your snowshoes on. Whether you’re looking for a gentle family outing or a serious adventure, there’s something for everyone! No more excuses to stay indoors this winter: snowshoes are your best ally to explore our snowy territory.

While the Greater Quebec City Area is delimitated by the St. Lawrence River, its history and beauty are legendary. A witness to the early colonization of the Americas by the Europeans, Old Quebec is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Set out to explore Old Quebec and its surroundings ? like Montmorency Falls in summer or winter, the Plains of Abraham, Ile d’Orléans, Portneuf and Parc de la Jacques-Cartier. The Québec Winter Carnival is a must-attend event for families and sweethearts alike. Quebec City abounds with four-season outdoor activities our member outfitters will gladly help you discover.

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