In Quebec, sea kayaking is widely practiced on the St. Lawrence River and in the Saguenay Fjord, as well as on other bodies of water. It is the perfect outdoor activity to observe marine wildlife. There is nothing more exhilarating than to be in close contact, at a safe distance, with belugas, seals and other majestic mammals that inhabit our marine ecosystems! For a few hours’ excursion or a few days’ adventure, you can count on our network of Quality-Safety certified businesses to guide you through your sea kayaking journey. Sea kayaking is also available in some of Quebec’s regional parks.

Not far from large urban centres like Montreal and Quebec City, the Tourisme Centre-du-Quebec region is perfect for a quick getaway to the country, and enjoying a multitude of winter or summer activities outdoors. An excellent destination on your next holiday or escapade, this region is perfect for road cycling and mountain biking fans. In winter, cross-country ski and snowshoe trails are available through a number of adventure professionals. What could be more exciting than a dog-sled raid and the unique joys it provides? Trust Aventure Écotourisme Québec’s member outfitters, who will gladly accompany you.

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