Sea kayaking in Percé
Come to live one of the most spectacular martime experience by paddling with the flow. While following the coast of the Gaspesian peninsula, you could be lucky to make nice meetings like some: whales, seals and sea birds. An Adventure embellish with anecdotes and histories, you will live a secure activity corresponding as mush to the young families as to the skilled paddlers.

  • Adventure gift certificate accepted

1600, rte 132
Percé (Québec) G0C2X0

418 645-2223 [email protected] Visit the website

Sea kayaking in Percé
Come to live one of the most spectacular martime experience by paddling with the flow. While following the coast of the Gaspesian peninsula, you could be lucky to make nice meetings like some: whales, seals and sea birds. An Adventure embellish with anecdotes and histories, you will live a secure activity corresponding as mush to the young families as to the skilled paddlers.

  • Adventure gift certificate accepted

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