Exode bâtisseur d’aventures specializes in outdoor sports and adventure. Wanting to go beyond the traditional expedition, each of Exode’s experiences seeks to link culture, adventure, encounter and introspection. Whether it’s a day of hiking followed by a “tale and legend” evening during sunset, a canoe-camping trip punctuated with visits of abandoned historic sites of Abitibi-Témiscamingue or a nocturnal excursion including yoga under the Milky Way, the expeditions of Exode will make your day.

60 av. Principale
Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X4P2

819 349-7963 [email protected] Visit the website

Exode bâtisseur d’aventures specializes in outdoor sports and adventure. Wanting to go beyond the traditional expedition, each of Exode’s experiences seeks to link culture, adventure, encounter and introspection. Whether it’s a day of hiking followed by a “tale and legend” evening during sunset, a canoe-camping trip punctuated with visits of abandoned historic sites of Abitibi-Témiscamingue or a nocturnal excursion including yoga under the Milky Way, the expeditions of Exode will make your day.

  • How to get there

    60 av. Principale
    Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9X4P2

    View Itinerary
  • Additional information
    • Booking required
    • Eligible Customers: Corporate
    • Equipment rental: Whitewater canoe, Recreational canoe, Fishing equipments, Camping gear, Winter camping equipment, Snowshoe
    • Tours : in english
    • Tours : in french

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