It’s great to travel, but getting away with the family is even better!
Yes, of course family holidays mean a lot of organization and preparation. But what a reward it is to spend time with your children away from home in a different setting and discover the world around, amidst different cultures.
Why choose Québec? For many good reasons that will strengthen the family bonds and leave you all with wonderful memories.
Québec has what all children love: animal-watching, climbing trees, playing on a beach and swimming, plus some unusual means of transportation and some out-of-the-ordinary lodging. All the ingredients are there to arouse their curiosity and keep them interested.

In Québec, it is possible to take advantage of the vibrant hustle and bustle of the cities and then to chill out in total wilderness an hour or so later. The various regions of Québec offer a wide variety of outdoor activities for all tastes.
Québec is home to a real animal kingdom. From caribou to black bears, from whales to belugas, animal-watching fascinates little ones as well as grown-ups. With a guide, or on your own, learn to listen to and observe the magic of nature. Some venues let your little ones feed and tend animals and the more intrepid can even pat the wolves.
Hiking with the family is the best way to introduce your children to enchanting landscapes. Beside educating children, hiking is good for the body and the mind. Whether you are beginners or experts, hiking is the most accessible outdoor activity in Québec. Hit the trails!
Canoe or kayak, take the whole family! Another good way to take advantage of what Québec has to offer is having the whole family paddling to the same rhythm. Available everywhere in Québec, canoeing and kayaking with the family will give you the opportunity to share another perspective on nature. Combine water activities and camping for a really memorable experience.
If you want to extend the adventure for a few days, camping remains the best option for families. It is a way of life that allows for last minute decisions regarding activities. Families who do not have camping equipment but want to try it, can opt for the ready-to-camp Huttopia tents in many parks of Québec. And for a truly unique experience that your children will remember for a long time, why not spend the night in a yurt or a teepee?
If cycling is more your cup of tea Québec’s network of cycling paths is extensive. The Green Road crosses Québec from east to west covering an impressive 5,000 kilometres. All you have to do is choose the section you are interested in and discover Québec on two wheels. Your kids will love to let you tow them!

Québec is rich with the culture of the native people and your children will love to live a genuine experience and learn about the history, the way of life and the traditions of the First Nations. It is a fun not-to-be-missed activity. No less than 55 communities are eager to guide you from teepee to teepee and share with you their ancestral values and heritage. A real adventure as well as an education!
Want to share your love of wide-open spaces and your passion for adventure with your children? Québec is a must. Here there are an unlimited number of family-friendly activities that can provide precious moments with your children, open their minds and awaken their senses, away from the daily routine. Live it, love it!
Before departure, here are a few tips for traveling with children:
- When you go on a hike, set targets that are reachable by the youngest one, adapt your pace accordingly.
- Dress your children with a proper outfit and footwear and remember that they get colder faster than you do.
- Physical effort is sometimes difficult for children. Keep up their interest by teaching them to observe the surrounding nature.
- Stop for a break more often.
- Do not be afraid to improvise.
- Make them take part in the organization of the trip: choose the places they want to visit, pack their luggage or carry their own backpack during the excursion, etc.