1 planet.
1% for its future.

Nature is Quebec’s greatest wealth. It is the raw material that allows our businesses to offer incredible experiences to our visitors.

In the context of climate emergency and major environmental issues, our adventure travel and ecotourism businesses choose to protect the environment by joining 1% for the Planet and committing to donate 1% of their sales to the 1% for the Planet Outdoor Fund.

We support nature conservation in Quebec

The 1% for the Planet Outdoor Fund supports structuring projects conducted here in Quebec by non-profit organizations that work towards protecting nature. Giving to the 1% for the Planet Outdoor Fund allows our businesses to take concrete action to reduce their ecological footprint. And by choosing these businesses, you too can contribute to a more responsible tourism!


Find out about our committed businesses






raised for nature protection in Quebec and climate action

projects supported

tons of GHGs offset

committed businesses

We support projects that contribute to:

  • land and water ecosystem protection
  • wildlife protection
  • climate change mitigation and adaptation

A portion of the funds is also invested directly in Quebec’s adventure travel and ecotourism businesses to support the implementation of sustainable and responsible practices.

Projects supported by the
1% for the Planet Outdoor Fund

Beluga Credit GREMM

Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM)

$71,600 to support the hiring of a research professional, as well as the implementation and operationalization of a photo-identification platform using artificial intelligence for the St. Lawrence beluga whale census.

$15,000 to support the St. Lawrence Beluga Offshore Monitoring Program.

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Adoption of beluga DL9051 (Écol’eau)

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Cambrien_Nachicapau Credit Francois Leger_Savard

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Quebec)

$40,000 to support efforts to register the Magpie River as an Aboriginal and Community Heritage Area (ACHA), an internationally recognized protected area concept, and as a protected area in official national and international registers.

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$15,000 for:

The protection of the Cambrian and Nachicapau Lakes area, the traditional territory of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach.

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The protection of the critical habitat of the copper redhorse, a threatened species unique to Quebec.

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Fondation Rivières Credit Sophie Lachance


Fondation Rivières

$20,000 for a citizen mobilization project to protect the great wild rivers of Côte-Nord, such as the Magpie and Petit Mecatina.

$36,600 for:

Actions for the preservation of the natural character and water quality of the Magpie, Kipawa, and Petite-Nation rivers, among others, by helping the communities involved to participate in the public debate in order to perpetuate the recreational use of these rivers.

The Grand Splash Week event (July 2022) which objective is to democratize access to water.

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Éco-corridors laurentiens

Éco-corridors laurentiens

Éco-corridors laurentiens

$25,000 to support private landowners, municipalities and organizations wishing to perpetually protect and valorise natural ecosystems on private or public land in a network of eco-corridors that will link Oka and Mont-Tremblant national parks.

$20,000 for a citizen science project to identify biodiversity hotspots in the Laurentian ecological corridors in order to consolidate ecological corridors that are vital to the survival of wildlife species.

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Mont Foster Corridor Appalachien crédit Charles Dion

Appalachian Corridor

$15,500 for up to 17 conservation projects (creation of protected areas) led in collaboration with landowners and covering a maximum potential area of 680 hectares of important natural environments.

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Parc nature de Pointe-aux-Outardes

Parc nature de Pointe-aux-Outardes

$30,000 to help the park management organization support the municipality of Pointe-aux-Outardes in its efforts to obtain a Nature Reserve status for the park.

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Arbre Évolution Coop

Arbre Évolution Coop

$12,500 for the Carbon riverain™ Program to expand riparian strips into agricultural land and convert field crop space into biodiverse forest areas.

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$7,500 for the Reboisement social™ Program to create islands of biodiversity beneficial to wildlife, population health and climate resilience.

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Fiducie Écosystèmes Lanaudière

Lanaudière Conservation Social Trust

$10,000 for an ecological characterization, canvassing and protection project for natural areas that can also serve as low-impact outdoor activity sites in the Black River corridor and other routes.

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Programme Carbone ScolERE Credit Coop FA

Coop FA

$41,600 to support the deployment, in various regions of Quebec, of the Carbone Scol’ERE Program, where kids are invited to take up challenges with their families so that they can change some of their habits in order to avoid GHG emissions.

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PurNat Fonds plein air un pourcent pour la planete

Pur Nat

$16,600 for the development of a unique expertise in cleaning lakes and rivers with tools that will aid waste quantification and localization.

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Planetair Fonds plein air un pourcent pour la planète

Carbon offsetting

$203,450 for the purchase, with Planetair, of Gold Standard certified carbon credits (the equivalent of 13,000 tons of GHGs) from GHG emission reduction projects, as part of an effort to move Quebec’s adventure tourism and ecotourism sector onto a collective carbon neutral path by 2025.

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Mer et monde Cote_Nord Credit Marc Loiselle

Ecological transition of adventure and ecotourism businesses

$110,700 to support Aventure Écotourisme Québec member businesses in their ecological transition through various measures, such as:

  • Sustainable development coaching with Les Pages vertes, which includes a diagnosis, a sustainable development action plan and an eco-responsible rating.
  • Support for the calculation of their carbon footprint.
  • Creation of tools to raise customer awareness of biodiversity protection and climate change.
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Discover how far we can go with 1%

The adventure tourism and ecotourism industry is committed. Follow this link to learn more about the Fund's objectives, how it works, and how to get involved.

About the Fund